“I Wish That I Knew What I Know Now”

Insurance advice for my 30-something friends
These Rod Stewart lyrics ring especially true in my line of work—insurance. You will inevitably want insurance when you need it. But when you need it, it’s almost always too late. Fortunately for you, I’ll tell you exactly what you need to know NOW, instead of down the “too late” road. Take it or leave it!

Insurance coverage through work is typically not enough coverage.
You can argue that you have life insurance or disability insurance through your employer until the cows come home. I’ll tell you what I know to be true: If you don’t work there anymore, you’re also not insured there anymore. Not to mention, the level of coverage won’t scratch the surface of what an average family needs. Purchasing an individual life insurance policy and disability insurance policy outside of your place of work will guarantee security no matter your employment status.

The younger you are when you buy coverage, the more affordable it will be.
Do I really need to elaborate here? Here’s what you need to know: You’re as young and healthy today as you ever will be. Cost-wise, this works in your favour. Apply now. Buy now. Do NOT wait or you’ll be humming to that tune of regret.

Promise to insure one another in your wedding vows.
Your spouse is your partner in crime, the love of your life, and likely the sharer of all things financial at home. Without life insurance, when you take him or her out of the equation, the emotional and physical loss can also overwhelmingly multiply into economic hardship. So, while you’re both young and establishing yourself as a unit, vow to insure one another.

The future of your family is YOURS to protect.
If you’re unable to work or (God forbid) you’re not around any longer, the paycheques will stop. And when the paycheques stop, your family’s lifestyle can drastically change.

Think about this for a moment: Would you be upset if your family had to downsize to a smaller home? How about if your child was forced to quit playing his or her favourite sport because you could no longer afford it? What if your spouse had to take a second job on the weekends?

Your family doesn’t deserve to be punished if you become sick, disabled or deceased. If you’re reading this, you have the power to make sure this never becomes your family’s reality.

Partner with a consultant that is committed to understanding your needs, and educating you on all options so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your family. There’s no time like the present.

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